ambassador Program

This Senior Ambassador Program is near and dear to my heart that combines building new relationships with friends from other schools along with volunteering for Chicagoland organizations in need of a few helping hands.  

The Senior Model program is for bright, energetic, and empathetic Seniors (Sophomores and Juniors too) across the Chicagoland area who are driven to help make a positive difference in these ever challenging times. 

Perks of the Anna Cillan Photography Model Team

  • Individual Introductory 2 Look Session with included Headshot Image (Anna’s other expertise)
  • Individual Senior Session – Influencer or Mod Squad
  • You’ll belong to an exclusive group of other Senior Models from schools across the Chicagoland area. Lasting friendships are waiting to happen!
  • Participate in Model Team Shoots:  Up to 2 opportunities a month to be photographed throughout the Chicagoland area in addition to your individual senior session. (2021-22 Season starts June-Sept 2021). 
  • After each shoot, each participating model will have 1-2 watermarked images added to their mobile app that they can immediately share with friends/family
  • Service Based Volunteer Events: Participate in (safe/socially distant) events to the serve the community (Now through March 2021) First stop:  The Greater Chicago Food Depository!
  • You’ll be used in my promotional ads and be the first to be considered to model for any upcoming photography meetups where I’ll need Senior Models
  • You will have plenty of photos to choose from in your final package order as your portfolio grows each time you participate in the shoots. 
  • Ordering sessions start Oct 2021
  • Model Team Print Discounts: 20% off any a la carte item
  • Mobile app to share waternarked images with friends/families
  • Referral Bonus! For every (“Keepin it Real” or “Influencer”) Senior session or model team referral, you will receive $150 for individual session referrals and $250 for Senior Rep referrals which will be added to your overall print credit balance used at your ordering session.

Your participation level is up to you but I can tell you that the more you participate, the more images of varying looks you’ll have to choose from.and some seniors just want an amazing deal on the session fee and that works for me too!  

I Want In...How do I Start?

You will have two Senior Model Experience Packages to choose from: 

  1. The “Keepin it Real” Model ($1495, *includes $650 print credit) 
  2. The “Influencer” Model ($1895, *includes $800 print credit)  

*The print credit can only be used at your ordering session and cannot be applied to your session balance.


This is by application only and if accepted, your time as a Senior Model starts as soon as I receive your signed contract and $495 retainer fee. Team shoots will start officially in June 2021

After your commitment to being a part of the Anna Cillan Photography Senior Model team, we’ll schedule your introductory portrait session where you’ll choose between the Keepin it Real ($1495) or Influencer ($1895) Sessions of which the balance of the session is due.  At this point you are eligible to participate in any shoots where I need senior models for promotional and creative shoots, fun service projects and social activities!   #acpseniorsmakeadifference

I’m limiting this to 15-20 Senior Models per graduating year and by school too.  If you submit an application but are not selected due to the limit from each school being met, you will receive a credit of $100 to use towards your Senior session.

Submit your application today!


Do you have what it takes to be a part of the ACP Model Team?

"I love her creative ideas and she gives great direction.”

I have truly enjoyed working with Anna! She is so easy to work with. I love her creative ideas and she gives great direction. We have done headshot, glamour, street, and fashion photography and she was a pro at all of these. I'd definitely recommend working with her!
~Rebin R.
Chicago based Actress/Model

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